Sunday, September 28, 2014

Blog Post #6

What do you learn with these conversations with Anthony Capps?
Project Based Learning
Authentic audience, student interest, and content driven In your project based learning, you have to have an authentic audience for your students to present these projects to, such as other students and faculty. Blogs are a great way for students to present their projects. Student interest is a major factor in project based learning. Your students need to be interested in the subject that they are doing projects about. Also, your projects need to be correctly content driven. Students need that extra benefit in to learning about the content of their projects and be driven to succeed.

As Mr. Capps says in the second video, some parents can be against the content of the project. Although you would have to respect the wishes of your students' parents, most parents love the project based learning. The students are very involved in these projects and are very successful in the learning of the content. Faculty, principles, and administrators.

iCurio is an internet based search engine that is filtered to search through content approved for students. iCurio has features for students and teachers to organize the content that they have found online through folders. It gathers their information and research and organizes it for them. It collects their material and stores it, so that they can go back and look for it at a later time. In a classroom, it is perfect for students to get right back to where they were in their searches after a lunch break, recess, or a different classroom interuption.

Mr. Capps' list was very helpful. When he describes that your willing to learn how to teach with research on your "free time". Let your work become a fun experience. We have to be open minded! Creativity is growing in every kind of way, so we as teachers, have to be open to new ideas and methods. Make the content that you're teaching interesting for your students, also known as making your lessons content driven. As Dr. Strange says, SHARE! Share your projects, ideas, thoughts.

To teach or not to teach with technology? I feel very strong about using technology with teaching. Since I have become a college student at the University of South Alabama, I have used more technology than ever, in all my classes, not just EDM310. I believe it is very beneficial to myself, and to my future students as well. Technology is making every student become involved in the lessons and project based learning is booming.

Project Based Learning


  1. Very good blog post! I love all of the websites you referenced to, you do not have any links and were told several times in class to include links in every blog post. Go back and add links to the websites/videos you discussed :)

  2. Great blog post on the conversations with Anthony Capps. I agree that technology is a growing part of everyone's lives and it needs to be a part of the classroom. Just be sure to add the appropriate links to your posts.
